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InTASC Standard 8: The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.


I use a variety of instructional strategies to engage and challenge my students during my reading and social studies classes. Three of the main strategies I use on a weekly basis include choice boards; graphic organizers; and the purposeful integration of technology. Each of these strategies allows me to adapt my instruction to the needs of individual students. Choice boards allow me to give my students control over how they demonstrate their understanding, which leads to increased levels of engagement and higher-quality work. Graphic organizers provide important scaffolding for my limited English proficiency (LEP) students and for my students who are reading below grade level, which is roughly half of my class. Finally, integrating technology allows my students to practice 21st century skills while simultaneously applying the skills we are learning in class. Being exposed to technology early and becoming familiar with different online platforms and resources will help my students be prepared for an increasingly technology-focused economy. I also gain new types of assessment data from the online resources my students use, which helps me monitor learning and adjust my future instruction to respond to student needs.


Click on the pictures below to learn more about the instructional strategies that I use in my classroom. 





By varying the strategies that I use in my reading and social studies instruction, I can effectively and efficiently reach the wide variety of learners that I serve in my classroom. The instructional strategies I use on a regular basis increase student engagement, improve student achievement, and prepare my students for a technology-focused workplace. Choice boards, graphic organizers, and technology help me monitor my students' learning and adjust and differentiate my instruction as needed. As a result, all students in my classroom are able to access the learning standards and apply the skills we are learning. 

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